Technology Help
Password Reset
Open a browser such as chrome and go to
o Click on Student
o Select "Reset password with District ID and Student PIN”
o Accept the District RUP
o On the next page you will need the following information:
District ID
Student PIN
And click on the checkbox next to “I’m not a robot”
o Click on Next
o Follow the instructions to create a password that meets the listed requirements.
o Click Submit
Password changes can take up to 15 minutes to take effect.
Activating Email
Open a browser such as chrome and go to
o Click on Student
o Select "Activate Email"”
o Accept the District RUP
o On the next page you will need the following information:
District ID
Student PIN
And click on the checkbox next to “I’m not a robot”
o Click on Next
o Follow the instructions to create a password that meets the listed requirements.
o Click Submit
Password changes can take up to 15 minutes to take effect.